Washington State Parks, Depression-Era Structures Condition Assessments & Preservation

Hennebery Eddy undertook a program to document and assess the condition of 32 Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) structures throughout the Washington State Parks system, characterized by log and stone construction with a high level of craftsmanship. Parks preservation specialists in our Historic Resources Group performed on-site visual inspections and non-destructive investigations, including thermal imaging. We prepared treatment recommendations based on each structure’s needs assessment, then placed the recommendations into three categories (routine maintenance, deferred maintenance, and capital expenditure) and further prioritized them (critical, necessary/not yet critical, and recommended). Cost estimates accompanied each recommended treatment, so the state could plan future restoration work.

We next prepared construction documents for the preservation on nine of the structures, with a goal of material preservation and structural stabilization. Recommended repairs prioritize maintenance of existing building fabric over replacement. Replacement materials are sourced locally, including logs sustainably harvested on-site and original windows salvaged from storage and slated for repair. Damaged or missing features were identified using historic photographs. Details for their restoration were influenced by original drawings produced by the CCC. The result will ensure continued use of these iconic structures by park visitors for years to come.

Historical photos citation: State Parks and Recreations Commission, Photographs of Park Development, 1933-1938, Washington State Archives, Digital Archives

Project Contact

Andrew Smith AIA